Product description page (PDP)
The product description page (pdp) is the frontend representation of your products. Any change you make on this page will be reflected on all of your products as long as all of them are assigned to the same template.
Product template settings:
Product section width: Full width / Page width
Product media:
Gallery layout: Slider / Carousel
Note: Slider layout is recommended for sections with page width, carousel for sections with full width.
Thumbnails: No thumbnails / Desktop and mobile / Mobile only
Note: On mobile, thumbnails are horizontal and below the main image.
Media object fit: Cover / Contain
Adaptative raton and auto-height: Default / Adaptative ratio / Adaptative ratio and autoheight
Transparent background: On / Off
Vertical spacing:
Desktop: Normal / Top none / Bottom none / Top and bottom none
Mobile: Normal / Top none / Bottom none / Top and bottom none
Breadcrumbs: Default / Secondary / Inverse
Note: The breadcrumbs are being applied on the desktop only and will appear within the media block.
Arrows color: Default / Secondary / Inverse
*Show tags on mobile: On / Off
Enable actions bar on mobile: On / Off
Text alignment: Start / Center / End
Will be pulled from the backend - it cannot be edited from within the theme.
Will reflect the price from the backend - including the compare-at-price if it has been activated.
Show tax status and shipping policy link: On / Off
Variant picker:
Title: "Variant picker" - this field's purpose is to display the correct name across section blocks
Make variants clickable: On / Off
Note: The design of the variants will remain the same and out of stock variants will appear crossed. However, by activating this functionality, you'll make the variants clickable in the eventuality that you wish to use a notification app when the product is back in stock. The crossed out variants design cannot be changed as per request to avoid customer confusion thinking that they've ordered a product when they just requested a notification. We appreciate your understanding (DigiFist team).
Type: Dropdowns / Buttons
Layout: Default / Stacked
Note: Layout options only effective if the type is dropdowns.
Size guide page: Select the page you've created for your size guide.
Note: If your products have size guides by category and you require different size guide pages to be assigned to these products, we recommend you create a different template for each category and assign the size guide to the corresponding template afterward. Changes made within different templates will only be reflected on the products belonging to that template.
Purchase options:
Will display the available purchase optons. This section is not currently customizable from within the theme.
Buy buttons:
Show quantity: On / Off
Quantity type: Inline / Separate
Show dynamic checkout buttons: On / Off
Note: The button will appear as "Buy now** within the theme's customizer, but will appear as the preferred option you made available within the live theme.
Show recipient information form for gift cards: On / Off
Note: Allows buyers to send gift cards on a scheduled date along with a personal message.
Text block:
Text: Add a message such as "Free delivery and shipping"
Text style: Link / Body
Link to products: None / Type / Vendor
Pickup availability:
There are currently no customizable settings available for this function.
Content tabs:
Tabs alignment: Start / Center / End
Tabs content alignment: Start / Center / End
Description tab:
Show description tab: On / Off
Option by default: On / Off
Show content from product description: On / Off
Note: Overwrites the content and content from page fields.
Content from product type: All product content / Content above the delimiter / Content below the delimiter
Note: Specify whether and how to use a delimiter from the product content. Applies when the content comes from the product. For 'below delimiter' and 'above delimiter' options, the product content must contain: ----
Tab title: Assign a title to this tab
Content: Assigns identical content to all tabs.
Note: If you don't wish to have the same content on all pages but differrent content, you'll have to assign the text box to get the content dynamically to multi-line metafields you can create for the product's backend.
With this block, you can assign how the description is displayed.
Behaviour: Plain / Accordion / Tab
You need to add content tabs block to set tab.
Heading: Text box.
This heading overwrites the default heading of the block
Truncate the limit: You can disable thisby setting 0. The limit can be between 0 and 5.
Collapsible block:
Heading: use a heading for your collapsible block
Content: If not set dynamically, will show the same on all pages
Icon: Select an image.
Page: Select a page within the store.
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