Theme Helpcenter


Hero banner

Sahara · Customize Sahara - Theme Latest Submit -  (5).png


The most valuable section on a storefront page is the hero section. Merchants frequently use a slideshow to highlight their most recent promotions and best-selling products to make the most of it.


Hero height: Between 50% and 100%

Note: Set the height of the hero to change the height of the slide. This setting is available only for desktop.

Enable autoplay: On / Off

Autoplay interval: Between 3 and 60 seconds

Carousel navigation arrows

Enable: On/Off

Note: They are visible only on desktop & tablet

Position: Center sides / Bottom start / Bottom center / Bottom end

Color: Default / Secondary / Inverse


image (40).png


Note: To add a slide, please head to the customizer (left hand side of the screen), and click on "Add slide" under the "Hero banner".

Banner layout: Full, 70/30, 30/70, Split.


image (34).png


image (39).png


image (35).png


image (37).png

Color scheme:

Text: Default / Secondary / Inverse

Backgrounds and borders: Default / Secondary / Accent 1 / Accent 2 / Inverse

Header menu color: Select the color of your navigation in each slide, to be in contrast with the slider's colors. This setting is available specifically when the transparent header is used.

Media desktop:

Image: Select from your library

Video: Select one from your library

External video: Paste a link

Note: External video overwrites both the image and video, while the Video from your library will only overwrite the image. Furthermore, we recommend you use the normal video where you use one from your store's library rather than a link for better performance. External videos can cause performance issues.

Enable overlay: On / Off

Media mobile:

Image: Select from your library

Video: Select one from your library

External video: Paste a link

Note: External video overwrites both the image and video, while the Video from your library will only overwrite the image. Furthermore, we recommend you use the normal video where you use one from your store's library rather than a link for better performance. External videos can cause performance issues.

Enable overlay: On / Off

Content position:

This section is available for desktop and tablet only

Horizontal: Start / Center / End

Vertical: Top / Center / Bottom

Visual example:

image (42).png


Subheading: Text box for your subheading

Subheading URL: Enter one only if you want your subheading to be clickable with a redirect

Heading: Text box for your heading

Body text: Text box designed for descriptions

Enable vertical line: On / Off

Note: Displays a vertical line below button. Visible only when content is horizontally centered.


Button style: Filled / Outlined / Outlined inverse / Default

image (43).png

Note: Primary button style on theme settings is used when default is selected.

Label: Text box

URL: Enter a URL or select an existing page within the theme for this button's redirect.

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