Theme Helpcenter



Sahara Swimwear — Mozilla Firefox 2023-01-31 23.18.png


The header is the rectangular area that runs across the top of your store, featuring your logo, navigation, search bar, and cart icon. It appears on every page to promote your company's brand and make it instantly recognizable to your visitors. The header is a static section and cannot be repositioned.

General settings:

Enable fullwidth: On / Off

Enable sticky header: On / Off

Backgrounds and borders: Default / Secondary / Accent 1 / Accent 2 / Inverse

Text: Default / Secondary / Inverse

Layout: Logo centered / Navigation centered / Logo centered, navigation centered below / Navigation centered below other content / Navigation and logo to start / Navigation drawer

Transparent header for home page: On / Off

Note: You must make sure that the first section of the template is compatible with the transparent header for this (e.g. the hero banner).

Transparent header for collection: On / Off

Note: You must make sure that the first section of the template is compatible with the transparent header for this (e.g. the hero banner or page banner).

Bottom border for transparent header: On / Off

Note: This works only when the transparent header is enabled.

Enable navigation drawer layer: On / Off

Note: The show/hide feature is added to the third level menu elements in the navigation drawer


To add the logo image of your brand to the header, upload a transparent logo via this section. Don’t forget to add alt text to your logo to improve your SEO.

Additionally, please make sure to have the correct transparent header image so that it fits your design.

SVG code: You can enter the SVG code of your logo if you have it under this format. This will overwrite the image if it exists.

Max desktop width: Between 50px and 200px

Note: This works only when an image or svg is selected.

Max mobile width: Between 40px and 160px

Logo font size: Between 0.5x to 4x

Note: This setting is available for text logo only.


The header often serves as a table of contents for the storefront, featuring key navigation links that you set up in the Navigation settings of the Shopify admin. To set a navigation menu on your header, you can link the navigation in this section

More information about configuring navigation on your online store can be found on within the [](Navigation Image and Megamenu documentation)

Menu column count: Between 1 and 6 columns can be added to the header dropdown.

Country drawer:

Enable in header: On / Off

Note: Positioned in the main navigation or utilities, depending on the selected layout.

Enable in navigation drawer: On / Off

Note: Displayed in desktop/mobile navigation drawer.

Additional links:

Note: Positioned in main navigation or utilities, depending on selected layout.

Title: Enter a title for this link

URL: Enter a redirect link

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