Theme Helpcenter


Countdown timer



This is a marketing tool designed to advertise a specific promotion and indicate the time left either until the promotion ends, or until it starts

General settings:

Enable fullwidth: On / Off

Layout: Media / Media none

Vertical spacing:

Desktop top spacing: Between 0x and 6x

Desktop bottom spacing: Between 0x and 6x

Mobile top spacing: Between 0x and 6x

Mobile bottom spacing: Between 0x and 6x

Border style: Top and bottom borders / Top border / Bottom border / No border / No border and separators


Title: Give your promotion a short title to advertise it

Subtitle: e.g. "Sign up for early access"

Subtitle mobile: e.g. "Everyting 20% off if you subscribe to our newsletter"


Add an image to your timer.

Note: If the layout is set to "Media none", the image won't appear.

Color scheme settings:

Text: Default / Secondary / Inverse

Backgrounds and borders: Default / Secondary / Accent 1 / Accent 2 / Inverse

Year: text box where you can enter the year

Month: Dropdown containing the list of months

Day: Toggle between 1 and 31 to select the exact day when the countdown finishes

Hour: Between 0 and 24

Minute: Between 0 and 59

Extend timer: Between 0 and 30 days

Note: If you set greater than 0, the last day of timer will be extended by this number of days.

Timer end message: text box where you can enter a representative message (e.g. The summer sale has ended").

Show day part: On / Off

Show hour part: On / Off

Show minute part: On / Off

Show second part: On / Off

Action preference: Button / Newsletter form

Newsletter form button:

Label: e.g. "Submit"


Button style: Filled / Outlined / Outlined inverse / Default

Note: Primary button style on theme settings is used when default is selected.

Label: Text box

URL: Enter a URL or select an existing page within the theme for this button's redirect.

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