Theme Helpcenter





The Accordions section is designed to help you organize and display content in a compact and interactive manner. It is particularly useful for FAQs, detailed product information, or any other type of content that benefits from a structured and collapsible format.

Vertical spacing:

Desktop: Normal / Top none / Bottom none / Top and bottom none

Mobile: Normal / Top none / Bottom none / Top and bottom none

Color scheme:

Text: Default / Secondary / Inverse

Backgrounds and borders: Default / Secondary / Accent 1 / Accent 2 / Inverse


Heading: Enter a heading for your accordions


To add a topic, please click on the left side of the screen in the customizer, underneath the "Accordions" section, on "Add topic".

General settings:

Show content: On / Off

Text for topic:

Heading: Enter a heading for the topic

Body: Enter the text that you wish to appear underneath this topic.

Page: Outputs a page content as topic body text. By using it, you will overwrite th topic content filed in the body.

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